Analytical Chemistry: Teaching with Demonstrations (CSC 2015)

Click on a title below to jump to the video, or scroll down to see all of the demonstration videos.  You also access the session hand-out for suggestions on strategies to maximize learning during demonstrations.

UV-visible Spectroscopy

Equilibrium Chemistry


Pipetting Skills Demonstration

Fourier Transform Demonstration


The Electric Pickle and Atomic Spectroscopy

Charles Lucy, University of Alberta


How to do the Electric Pickle Demo

Charles Lucy, University of Alberta


Fluorescence Jellyfish

Alan Doucette, Dalhousie University


Path Length and Fluorescence

Russ Algar, UBC


The Conductivity of Strong and Weak Acids

Russ Algar, UBC


Competing Equilibria

Caitlyn Grympa de Jong, UBC


Galvanic Cells (the Role of the Salt Bridge)

Russ Algar, UBC


A Simple DIY Combination Electrode

Russ Algar, UBC


Pipetting Skills Demonstration

Chris Harrison, San Diego State University


Fourier Transform Demonstration

Paul Piunno, University of Toronto Mississauga


Thanks to everyone who contributed to this session at CSC 2015:

  • Russ Algar, UBC
  • Chad Atkins, UBC
  • Alan Doucette, Dalhousie University
  • Caitlyn Grympa De Jong, UBC
  • Christopher Harrison, San Diego State University
  • Charles Lucy, University of Alberta
  • Jane Maxwell, UBC
  • Richard Oleschuk, Queen’s University
  • Paul Piunno, University of Toronto Mississauga